.NET Framework Tour

The .NET Framework has been around since 2002 and recently Microsoft announced they are open sourcing the .NET Core Library and .NET CoreCLR. The team is estimating that there will be over 5 million lines of code available on GitHub once it is fully open sourced.

In order to learn more about what the .NET Framework has to offer I will be exploring the various namespaces and types with the .NET Framework Tour Newsletter. If you would like to join along of the adventure sign up below:

More about .NET Framework Tour

The .NET Framework provides helpful libraries and classes to enable the .NET developer to accomplish tasks effectively and quickly. With over 300+ namespaces and 11,000+ types (and those numbers are from several versions ago) it is near impossible to know them all.

I will going through in no particular order exploring the functionality and features using a repository I have started on GitHub. If you have any favorite types or features that you use on a daily basis please send me an email and I will be sure to check them out and try to do a feature on them.