Deploying AKS with least privileged service principal

When deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster you are required to use a service principal. This service principal is used by the Kubernetes Azure Cloud Provider to do many different of activities in Azure such as provision IP addresses, create storage disks and more. If do not specify a Service principal at the time of creation for the an AKS cluster a service principal is created behind the scenes.

In many scenarios, the resources your cluster will need to interact with will be outside the auto-generated node resource group that AKS creates. For instance, if you are using Static IP address for some of you services, the IP addresses might live in a resource group outside the auto-generated node resource group. Another common example is attaching to an existing vnet that is already provisioned.

Assigning proper permissions

It would be simple to give Contributor rights across your whole sub or even individual resource groups and these scenarios would work but this is not a good practice. Instead we should assign the specific, least privileged rights to a given service principal.

In the examples of attaching IP addresses, we may need the Azure Cloud Provider to be able to attach but not delete IP addresses because a different team controls the IP address. We definitely don’t want the Service principal to be able to delete any other resources in the resource group.

There is a good list of the Kubernetes v1.11 permissions required here. This list shows the permissions for creating a least privileged service principal (note that it might change as k8s version change so use as general guide). Using this we can assign just enough rights to the service principal to interact with the resources outside the node group.

Sample Walk through

I have created a full walk through sample of creating the service principal upfront and assign just enough rights to it to access the IP addresses and vnet. Here is a highlight of the important parts:

First create a service principal with no permission:

clientsecret=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment -n $spname -o json | jq -r .password)

Using custom Role Definitions I am able to give the service principal only read access to the IP’s:

    "Name": "AKS IP Role",
    "IsCustom": true,
    "Description": "Needed for attach of ip address to load balancer created in K8s cluster.",
    "Actions": [
    "NotActions": [],
    "DataActions": [],
    "NotDataActions": [],
    "AssignableScopes": [

Using that definition we can then apply the Role Definition to the Service principal which will give it IP read access to the resource group:

spid=$(az ad sp show --id "http://$spname" -o json | jq -r .objectId)

iprole=$(az role definition create --role-definition ./role-definitions/aks-reader.json)
az role assignment create --role "AKS IP Role" --resource-group ip-resouce-group --assignee-object-id $spid

Then you can deploy your cluster using the service principal:

az aks create \
    --resource-group aks-rg \
    --name aks-cluster \
    --service-principal $spid \
    --client-secret $clientsecret

This will allow the Service principal used to access the the IP Addresses in the resource group outside the node.

note: to access the ip address in group outside the cluster you will need to provide an annotation on the k8s Service definition ( See the example.

Check out the sample for a full walk through.


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